
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Emergency Preparedness

So, I've been doing this thing where you spend five dollars a week and buy something extra at the grocery store so that you'll be prepared in case of an emergency. Here's the website that I've been using to decide what to buy:

I bet a lot of you readers think it's silly and honestly I've felt a little silly at times. I bet the woman who checked me out today with my twelve cans of salt (seriously, they're only $.44 a piece) thought I was going to to open a restaurant or something with it. But with this "Frankenstorm" baring down on us I look through my supplies and wonder if it's enough. According to the weather channel, a power outage is likely for our area. I wonder what I'll do without power...if my in-laws or other family members have power I'm going there! But if we're all out...what will I do for heat? How will I cook? How will I keep my food from spoiling? What will I do for Carter's bottles? The list of questions goes on. I know it won't be as bad as I'm making it in my head...we're not stepping into an episode of Revolution or anything, but I guess being a mom makes me more of a worrier. All I know is we can probably go a week with what we have, which is pretty good in my opinion.