
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not Feeling Well

I have not been feeling well lately. I guess I have a bug - I've been tired, naseous (sp?), gassy and today I had a bit of a migraine and had to take something in the middle of fourth block. Thank goodness I had some ibuprofen in my purse. I don't know what's wrong with me, but three days later I sincerely want it to go away.

We got back the Social Studies SOL scores last week. They were not good. Apparently the state decided to revamp the test and make it so that the kids had to use some higher level thinking skills, which in theory is okay. It's not okay, though, to do something like that and not warn teachers. So our school freaked out and those kids that qualify for a retake (they got a 375-399 on the test - 400 is passing) now have to do this intensive remediation. They are asking the English teachers to help, but I have no idea what exactly we're supposed to do beside make sure the kids are taking the notes like they're supposed to. I had nightmares on Monday night about helping with the remediation so I didn't sleep well. I think the first day went well, though, so it will be alright. Pray that all these kids pass the second time around otherwise our pass percentage will stay in the 60s.


  1. Shouldnt there always be emphasis on development of higher level thinking skills?

  2. Yes, there should be emphasis on higher level thinking skills. I told my principal just today that there needs to be a division-wide emphasis placed on higher level thinking skills. However, SOL's created a machine that has teachers teaching to a test, which only covers lower level thinking skills. Is that right? No. But it is what it is and the state created it. It's totally unfair to, without notice, change the machine and expect the parts to function properly. That's the problem that I was complaining about. BTW, who's "anonymous"? Shouldn't you sign your post? :-)
