
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, December 31, 2012

Year in Review: 2012

Well, my year didn't get off to that ausipicious of a beginning. I can't even remember if anything interesting happened in January becuase that was, you know, 12 months ago. I remember February better. It started off with Brandon and I going to A Weekend to Remember at Hotel Roanoke. That was awesome because we'd been so stressed with fostering that we hadn't had a lot of time to work on us. We renewed our committments to each other and remembered why we loved each other in the first place. It was quite awesome and I highly recommend every couple do A Weekend to Remember because it is just that. February was the month that the three foster kids went back to their mom. I blogged before about how I felt when all that happened, so no need to relive that. I remember clearly going out to dinner with Brandon and Colby after the foster kids were gone. I remember being able to pay attention to Colby's smile and blue eyes and having a real conversation with Brandon that didn't involve kids. I realized that I while we'd done a good thing by taking in three foster kids, I had lost sight of what was important to me - real interactions with my family.

So for the months of March and April as I got bigger with pregnancy, I spent a lot of time hanging out with my boys. School was pretty decent around this time. I was trying to finish Romeo and Juliet and The Road with my year long kids so that the sub could do The Odyssey with them when I was out on maternity leave. My pregnancy with Carter was a lot like it was with Colby - uneventful!

Until the end that is...on May 11th I went in for a doctors appointment. My due date was a week away and I was excited to have a natural child-birth this time. But the doctor had other plans. He said my amniotic fluid was low and that he'd like to go ahead and do a c-section. I was sad, but the doc knows best. I called Brandon who was at work. Actually he was supposed to be guarding the Roanoke airport as Michelle Obama flew in to do the commencement address at Virginia Tech. I think he was disappointed to not be able to work since it was like his first real assignment with the Tactical Team, but all of that went away when he was holding Carter around 3:30 that day. So the rest of May was spend on maternity leave. This is probably bad, but I didn't worry one iota about school and didn't miss going to graduation in the least little bit. Carter, as it turns out, also has PKU just like his little brother so we spent a lot of time figuring that whole thing out. Unfortunately the special formula he had to drink made him pretty constipated, so we had to feed him a couple ounces of prune juice every day just to keep him regular. We did finally get him working right, but there was a lot of fussing in the meantime.

In June we went to Nags Head for a week. We went by ourselves (but in the future would love to go with others!). We discovered a new beach on the Sound side of Jockey's Ridge. It was awesome because the waves were pretty much non-existant and you could walk out at least a hundred yards without it going over your head. Colby had a blast playing with other kids and buidling sandcastles with his dad. Carter spent a lot of time sleeping under the umbrella :-) It was great to relax and recharge...I just love the beach! Later in June we went to visit my parents at Hungry Mother State Park as they were on their way back to Hampton from visiting Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore and lots of other places in between.

July and the remainder of August passed by uneventfully. I took Colby to the pool off and on and we got used to having two kids in the house with PKU. I started the weigh station early in July. It was tough, but I had promised myself that after I was done having a second child, I would lose the weight. I had a lot of determination when I started and I stayed determined for a long time! I got a little antsy to start school. I was thinking it seemed like it had been awhile since I was in a classroom and when I thought about it, it had been since early May! So in August we had our teacher workdays and I got two lovely (and large) honors classes and one (small, thank God!) academic class. Its been a good year at school right from the start. We got two lovely new English teachers - I'm helping to mentor one - and things have been pretty quiet. We have a lot of the same gripes, but nothing too crazy. The worst part about going back to school is paying for two daycares. I can't wait for Colby to go to kindergarten next year....wait...I say that, but I really CAN! I don't want my baby to grow up!

In October I turned 30...I! I can't believe I'm that old! I don't feel that old at all. Half the time I feel like a teenager still wondering how the heck I got to this spot in my life. Also this month I just happened to run into my three former foster kids. They looked good and they seemed to be really happy. I even talked to the mom for a few minutes, but she's not the best conversationalist in the world. It did my heart a world of good to see them and see how well they were doing. It gives me the courage to do it again in 2013!

In November I got to travel to see my family for Thanksgiving. This was special because I didn't get to go for any holidays last year due to having foster kids. Grandaddy made cheesecake...yum! And yeah, I took a break from my diet. I'd lost 33 pounds and was going to enjoy the holidays, but I was determined to not gain any weight.

And last but not least, December. We got out of school a week before Christmas and it's been an awesome season! I got to see Gwen, Jordan and Lindsey the weekend before. That was great because it'd been a while since we'd all seen each other. I just wish Brandon had been off and Jonathan had been in town...then that would have been the whole crew! We had Christmas breakfast at our house and Christmas dinner with Brandon's parents. Colby and Carter got some great gifts! The Friday after Christmas, Brandon and I tried out our presents to each other - .22LR rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun. That was fun! Colby shot Brandons lever action BB gun (zero kick). The .22 we great - I was pretty good sitting and standing if I do say so myself. The 12 gauge had a bit of kick that I was unprepared for, but I didn't come home with any bruises or anything. My parents came to visit too. They brought us a new recycle bin as that we don't have to hang bags off of drawer handles anymore. They also brought some awesome presents from my family who are so generous. After my parents left, I started my diet again. I did all protein until this morning. New Years Eve, as I write this, is pretty uneventful. I'm just hanging with the boys and Brandon is at work.

I only have two new years resolutions...

1. Lose another 30 pounds...I'll keep you posted
2. Blog more...I've been a slacker in this area and want to do at least one post a week. I hope you enjoy reading!

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