
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fostering's Not For Everyone

When you go through foster care training, they tell you that fostering isn't for everyone. Even if you have an interest and a decent set of skills to deal with kids, it still might not be for you. I think we've come to realize that maybe we're not cut out to be foster parents. Fostering adds an unanticipated strain on a marriage and strain on relationships with your own kids. And if one person is more into it than the other then you're just asking for trouble. Of course three foster kids at one time is stressful. I'm not sure what we were thinking when we took that on. More recently with Dakota, the same issues we had when there were three are popping up with one. I'm thinking that we might give it up after Dakota goes back to his family which could be as soon as next week. We might just do respite care and support other foster parents through that because it is an important job even if we're not the one's doing it. When it comes to fostering I just want to be faithful to God. I want to follow the path He's placed me on. I thought I was doing that, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe our calling is to raise our PKU boys to the best of our ability.

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