
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Pink, Pink Everywhere!!

Update to my last post: I'm down to three can of regular Periflex Jr. Carter's nutritionist did not get back to me until last Friday, but she's sending me more things to try. The mail better hurry and deliver because I'm almost out of options :-(

On to more exciting things...we're having a girl in May!! Let me be clear, I would not trade my boys for anything. They are the light of my life.'s the whole story: Back when we were in college, Brandon used to teach swim lessons at the Blacksburg Aquatics Center. There was this wonderful family with a whole gaggle of wonderful kids, one being named McKenna (who had red hair). Ever since then Brandon has wanted to have a little girl named McKenna. So we had Colby and Carter and now we have our McKenna (but ours won't have red hair). Colby for one is excited to be having a baby sister as he thinks there are too many boys in the house (I agree!). Carter doesn't quite know what is going on, but we've been talking it up and hopefully things will be okay when she arrives. Best advice I've recieved so far: Everything will be okay if you are intentional about spending time with each child.

One of the best things has been having super supportive co-workers. I think some people would think that working with a bunch of women would be hell on earth, but I love working with these ladies! For the most part we get along and we count on each other to get through the school days, months and years. So I decided to have my own little special gender reveal for these special ladies. One of our mottos in the English pod is that no reason is a bad reason to have cake, so I went to Walmart and got a pink frosted cake and had them write "It's a girl!" on it. Then I wrapped it in a bag and took it to school. Of course they wanted to know the gender as soon as I walked in the door, but I made them wait until lunch. When they saw that cake they were all just as excited as me!!

Now...what needs to be done before McKenna arrives?? Well, I have a whole to-do list broken down by month...unfortunately it will mostly be Brandon's responsibility because I don't think I can make a loft bed in my condition. I'll do some cleaning and organizing!! :-)