
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, February 6, 2016

We're Not Hoarders, Promise!

We are not hoarders. I've seen the TV show Hoarders - some of those people have serious mental issues and you can't see the floors of their houses (and there's usually a dead animal in their house). I don't have any serious mental issues (most of the time, anyway...I think), you can see my floor and I don't have any issue throwing something away, taking it to be recycled, or taking it to Goodwill (and I don't have any dead animals...except maybe some dead bugs...somewhere).

But somehow we still acquire all this STUFF! Where does it all come from?! I know some of it is us just being lazy. Sometimes we just don't want to take care of a mess when it pops up or throw something away right away even when we KNOW it's TRASH. Some of it is we don't really like a routine unless it's absolutely necessary. Some people have certain days when they do certain chores, but we as a family shy away from such regimented house-keeping. And then we sometimes keep things just because we "might need them one day."

Well I have declared war on the items that we "might need one day." Why? Because mostly it's just junk. I don't need shoe boxes, I don't need seeds that expired in 2012, I don't need foamy sheets that were probably packing material, I don't need sandwich trays that I got from Walmart, and I certainly don't need the trash I've been overlooking for a while. Am I nesting...maybe. But I think all this STUFF is just stressing me out. Many years I put my deep cleaning off to summer-time when I'm off 24-7, but this summer I'm going to have a baby to think about. And wouldn't it just be fantastic to come home from the hospital with our little bundle of joy to a house that is ridiculously CLEAN and ORGANIZED? A house that isn't stressing me out?

We'll see how well I can do in the next couple of months! Wish me luck!

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