
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Restaurant Snub

So this weekend Brandon, Noah, Ariyana, and I drove to northern Virginia to sign the papers for our van to make it officially ours. On the way home we stopped at a Texas Roadhouse that was largely empty. Noah and Ariyana had been acting pretty decent - just your minor turn around, stop kicking the seat, talk softly sort of reminders. Well, the hostess tried to seat two ladies across the isle from us. When the hostess asked if that was alright, one lady said no, it wasn't. I was like, huh? So then the hostess tried to seat them behind us. The lady said again no, that wasn't okay. Then she approached the hostess being really careful to keep her back turned to us and told the hostess she didn't want to sit near the kids. The hostess then dutifully took them to another part of the restaurant (right on the main thoroughfare, I might add, so that she would have to see every man, woman and child that entered the restaurant, ha!) I was very surprised. I have heard of such behavior happening at other places, but it had never happened to me. My kids behave at restaurants. They're not allowed to run around screaming everywhere. But I was flabbergasted - it's a Texas Roadhouse not a five star restaurant. This same lady ended up going to the restroom at the same time I took Noah. Our waitress also happened to be in there. She told our waitress that the floors were sticky in the bathroom and all over the restaurant. Our waitress was like 'oh, okay.' When the lady left I asked the waitress if that woman thought she was going to clean the entire restaurant right away. The waitress laughed. You don't eat off the floor, lady. And it's a Texas Roadhouse for crying out loud! You can put peanut shells on the floor! On the way out, without any prompting, Noah told the lady goodbye. I laughed all the way to the car. Fun times...

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