
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


The weather here has been amazing for mid-autumn. Usually it's getting pretty chilly even during the day, but it's been getting into the mid to upper seventies during the day lately. It's nice enough to go outside with just a comfy sweater on.

We have finally discovered what gets Hershey to stop barking...a large cup of water poured over his head. He doesn't like that at all. Whenever he sees the orange cup, he usually stops barking or jumping or whatever he's doing. Maybe one day I will be able to clean the muddy paw prints, nose prints and slobber off the back door. We'll see though.

I'm having one of those cranky days today. Everything is frustrating and irritating today, which is frustrating and irritating. Colby whining and not following directions really gets my blood boiling. What is so hard about following directions? What is so difficult about sitting in his chair and eating his lunch? And what is so hard about holding my hand in the parking lot? I know, I know, he's only 2 and a half...but still. I can't wait to get over these terrible twos.

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