
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Adventures in Red Pepper Jelly

My mother-in-law buys this amazing red pepper jelly and she often pairs it with cream cheese to make a dip. Unfortunately she can't get the jelly around here. So...I thought maybe I could find a recipe to MAKE red pepper jelly and then give it to her for Christmas, so this past weekend I canned my first jelly. It was not hard to make and it wasn't even hard to can and guess what?! It was DELICIOUS!!! I took some leftover jelly over to her house on Sunday (I couldn't can that last half a jar) and let them try it and she said "It tastes just like the other stuff I buy." I was thinking cha-ching!! I took a jar to Bible study yesterday with a block of cream cheese and some veggie ritz crackers and everyone loved it! I felt like superwoman :-) So, here's the link to the recipe:
Don't let the word spicy fool you. It has a little kick, but I don't really like spicy foods and I LOVE this dip. If you like it hot, add some more red pepper flakes. It makes me want to try new things with cooking more frequently :-)

1 comment:

  1. I make this every year and you're right it is so easy!!! I can a batch, now I know a good Christmas gift for you :)
