
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

2 Weeks Until Carter!

Wow...I didn't know it has been such a long time since last I posted! I guess we haven't really been doing anything of note lately. I've been pregnant, Brandon's been working, Colby has been Colby. My pregnancy is going really well with two weeks left to go. About this time in my pregnancy with Colby my blood pressure had started to go all over the place and I was put on bedrest. So far this time around my blood pressure has been great (knock on wood) and I've not had any other issues. I've been trying to be really good about drinking plenty of water and putting my feet up when the opportunity knocks. The only thing that sucks right now is the fact that I'm really hot ALL THE TIME! At school I just burn up and at night I wake up sweaty. However, I'm really excited about Carter getting here and I hope that everyone else is too :-) I'm actually starting to get impatient...most people have noted how chill I am, but on the inside I'm really thinking that if he comes tomorrow I'd be okay with that! There's really not a lot going on right now. We're still working on our flower gardens and vegetable gardens. My peas, spinach and lettuce finally started to take off...I really thought I'd have something by now. We still need to work on the soil for our big vegetable garden or we're not going to have anything to show for the work we've put into it. I'm thinking of calling to have some manure delivered from a horse farm in Blacksburg. I guess I better get on the ball because we could really plant things now and they'd be okay. I heard they were already picking strawberries in Bedford so I think we're going to have a longer than usual growing season. School is going well. I feel really behind because our schedule this semester was really crazy and we had a lot of four day weeks instead of five. We took an extra week getting through Romeo and Juliet so now I'm not really sure if we're going to get to the Odyssey. I'm sure my kids are heartbroken :-) You can definately tell the end of the school year is within sight because my kids are really squirrely and I find myself being really snappy with them. Hormones might have something to do with my snappiness, but I have a pretty good excuse :-)

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