
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Beach Trip?

Well, as of today I can pass through a metal detector without setting it off. Doc says I'm healing well, but I still have some pain on the left side of my incision. I'm not sure what that's all about, but I hope it goes away soon so I can lay off the pain meds. Carter is growing well. I swear he weighs more and more every day. I've been really tired today. Carter kept me up for a couple hours last night so I fell asleep watching Thor with Brandon this morning. I hardly ever fall asleep while watching a movie, so I definately was pooped! Today I came to the conclusion that I will not be able to talk Brandon into going on a cruise to Bermuda, so I've switched to plan B - going to the beach. We're looking at renting a house either the first or second week of June. Colby is old enough to have a blast at the beach and Carter...well he'll be barely a month old and not much trouble at all :-) Plus Brandon will be able to get his beach fix before the beaches get too crowded. And going to the beach for a week is probably much cheaper than going on a cruise, though maybe not as exciting.

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