
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cold Frame!

I was thinking about our garden today an lamenting the fact that we'd need to get some lumber in order to make a cold frame. But then I got to thinking that I didn't really need lumber...what about hay bales? So I googled it and apparently this is a doable option. I mean, we already have the plexiglass, we just need something to set it on and that something needs to be portable because when the weather warms we're going to have to move it for the warm weather plants. When I drove to Walmart I peaked over at Lowes and saw that their tractor trailers with hay bales were still there...yay! I'm thinking next weekend when the weather warms up, I'll till a spot on one side of the garden and make a few Lowes trips to get the hay bales I need and get some lettuce, spinach and broccoli started in my hay bale cold frame! Yay! Here's the link to a website that inspired me:

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