
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Long Week...

It has been a really long week. I'm blaming daylight savings time. I've been very tired. Thursday night I fell asleep at 8:00. At school we're working on research papers which is hellish to begin with and when you're a tired teacher that makes it soooo much worse. Research is my least favorite thing to teach because students have to be able to regulate themselves, which is like herding cats when it comes to ninth graders. Plus I have to hear my name fifty million times a day to answer their questions. Not that I'm against answering questions, but they wouldn't need to ask at least half the questions they ask if they would just listen to what I say. But I might as well turn the moon into cheese. Sigh... At least after research I get to teach Romeo and Juliet and then a novel. Some of you might think it's odd, but Romeo and Juliet is possibly my farvorite thing to teach :-)

In other news, Carter has started crawling this week. It's pretty cool to see him learning to do something new, but now he'll be into everything. I'll have to watch him all the time until his like two. His favorite things to put in his mouth right now are plastic bags and paper, so cleaning up will be the first order of business tomorrow. He's also cutting his top two teeth so he's kind of cranky right now. I hope it passes soon.

So far I haven't seen anything growing out in the garden, but I guess it's too soon :-) What can I say, I'm impatient :-)