
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Celebrate No Bites, Come On!!

Sorry I've been a SLACKER lately. I just haven't had much interest in sitting in front of the computer this week. But we've had some pretty interesting things going on lately.

First, Colby has not been in the bite log for a solid week! I was so proud of that little guy :-) He's been a good boy lately. We're really get the hang of this holding hand thing and though he sometimes has trouble listening, a trip to time out usually fixes the problem.

In other news our electric bill got into the $70 range, we're getting a shed next weekend, and we've been contemplating getting a patio tent so that our table and chairs would be more usable. I thinking of planting our veggies this weekend because it's supposed to be uber nice. Oh, and Friday Night Lights is back starting next week!! So excited.

At school things have been going well. We're in the midst of figuring out Romeo and Juliet and learning poetry terms. Over these last two years I've come to realize that our school has several pretty serious problems - drug use, student dress, teacher consistency, senior graduation rates, and supporting our students in general. Maybe this is how it is everywhere, but our administrators have chosen to not focus on these serious problems, instead they have chosen to focus on keeping food in the commons and not in the rest of the building. I find this disappointing. We have students that are high as kites, others who are wearing shorts barely long enough to cover their butt, some seniors are in danger of failing and some kids are just plain struggling and we focus on food? Hmm...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crazy Dogs and Thermostats

So the dogs have been off their lines for the last two days. They did a good job staying in the yard...until this evening that is. While Colby was taking a bath some of our neighbors brought the two delinquent dogs back. They wer both promptly placed back on their lines. I guess we'll try leaving them on the lines for a couple of days and then gradually taking them off again. Maybe one day they'll learn that if they stay in the yard like they're supposed to, then we won't put them on the lines.

In other news, recently Brandon bought a new thermostat. It was one of those fancy one's that allow it to get hotter/cooler when we're not at home and a comfortable temperature by the time we get home. Those kinds of thermostats are more energy efficient, so I was all for it. Unfortunately he installed it and it didn't work. He reinstalled the old one and now it doesn't work either. I called a heating and air person to come out and see what's wrong - I just hope that Brandon doesn't take it personally. He tried to do a good just didn't work out as planned so now we need someone to fix it. It happens to us all.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Ode to Prom

Whoa, I can't beleive it's been so long since I posted! Especially since I chapperoned prom on Saturday! I think prom went well...let me let this quote sum everything up. It was the end of the night and I went to sit on the stage next to a fellow English teacher. She leaned over said, "You see that girl over there?" I looked. "Her ass hasn't left a boys crotch since I've been sitting here." Yup...that sums up my views for the night. I don't understand this nasty dancing and I sure don't have any solutions on how to fix it, but I guess if dresses stayed down and hands weren't anywhere inappropriate (for the most part) then we've accomplished something. For now I say adios to prom until next year...yeah, I can't handle any more MTV/club-hopping-wannabe dancing until then :-)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Prom and Delinquent Dogs

This week, teachers from the English pod of have been really involved in prom decorating. Yesterday I got to go to help because Brandon was on Colby duty. I must admit that I miss decorating for dances. There's just something about making something look nice so that students can have great memories. The kids were working hard and I could tell that it was eventually going to look really nice on Saturday night.

So, as you know, our two dogs are juvenile delinquents. Brandy was expelled from doggy daycare and Niki had to be put on a line because she kept jumping the fence. Well, now Brandy decided she was going to go under the fence where Brandon tilled for the new garden. Now we've been having to put them BOTH on a line before we leave the house. We usually let them off now while we're home. It's so annoying. Why can't they be happy in OUR yard?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Colby's Birthday!

So, Colby turned two on Saturday. We'd already started celebrating his birthday the weekend before when I visited my parents. We got some great presents, but the most useful present came in the form of a fixed toy box. My dad fixed my old toy box so that it wouldn't fall on Colby's head and we used it on Sunday to store all of his new toys including a bowling set and some big legos. The present he's played with the most so far - the toy vaccum cleaner :-)

Last week I went to Bible study and we learned about work. Did you know that God created us to have a job and to work? And he didn't create us to complain about it? I'd never really given it much thought until that night, but after that, I noticed how much people griped about work and how often I wanted to gripe about being at work. Then I realized that God would not have created me to work and then not given me the energy or drive to get it done. I hope I can remind myself of that daily - then it'll make things a lot easier :-)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Plant Day!

The last couple of days have been BEAUTIFUL!! It's been up to the high 80s and in Roanoke it got up to 90. Today I got to plant all of the plants I bought at Lowes last week plus the plants mommy got me for Easter. They were all a little dried out, but it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so they'll get a good soaking. I hope the plants look beautiful when they are established - Brandon and I went to a lot of trouble to pull the existing plants out of the front flower bed and I'll be devastated if it just looks terrible when everything is said and done, but I don't think even I can screw these plants up. We shall see.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Break!

This weekend was great. I got to hang out with my family for most of Sunday and Colby got to see family he doesn't normally see. My parents were excited to have Colby over, but I bet they're glad he's gone so that they can rest :-) Colby is certainly a joy, but he can wear you out!

On Saturday Michele and I went to go see Clash of the Titans. It was pretty good, though I was disappointed at the ending. It had plenty of action and mythical creatures to keep pretty much anyone interested.

I only wish that I had the rest of the weekend off like some other teachers whom I will not name :-) Oh well! I'll take two days!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Left Lane Blockers

So, I left late on Friday to go visit my parents. We stopped twice, once for gas and once to change Colby's diaper so it didn't explode while he was stuck in his car seat. The drive was relatively uneventful and pleasant even as I switched stations often in search of good driving music which I usually found. I will say though, that lately one of my biggest pet peeves is Left Lane Blockers.

Left Lane Blockers are people that don't get over even though the people behind them are going faster than them. Sure, it's not against the law to hang out in the left lane, but it's a courtesy to move just like it's a courtesy to move when someone wants to merge onto the interstate. I myself am notorious for getting in the left lane and cruising, but I move when someone comes up behind me. Here's why: 1) Let them go and clear out the cops, 2) You don't know who is behind you getting angrier the longer you sit there - it could be a felon with a gun and I for one don't want to take that chance, 3) people drive very crazily to get around Left Lane Blockers and I'm sure that plenty of accidents are caused because of this. So if you're in the left lane and you're going slower, move over!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break!! Woot!!

I am pumped to be off for four days!! Today I'm going to hang out with Colby, go to the park, go to Once Upon A Child, plant some flowers while Colby is napping, cook some steaks and then travel to Hampton to visit my parents. The weather is supposed to be FANTASTIC this weekend! On Sunday I'm going to church with my grandparents and then we're having Easter dinner/Colby's birthday celebration and we'll be taking Colby to an easter egg hunt (although he won't be able to eat much). Brandon and I already put together Colby's Easter basket last night, so we're set. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend!