
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Celebrate No Bites, Come On!!

Sorry I've been a SLACKER lately. I just haven't had much interest in sitting in front of the computer this week. But we've had some pretty interesting things going on lately.

First, Colby has not been in the bite log for a solid week! I was so proud of that little guy :-) He's been a good boy lately. We're really get the hang of this holding hand thing and though he sometimes has trouble listening, a trip to time out usually fixes the problem.

In other news our electric bill got into the $70 range, we're getting a shed next weekend, and we've been contemplating getting a patio tent so that our table and chairs would be more usable. I thinking of planting our veggies this weekend because it's supposed to be uber nice. Oh, and Friday Night Lights is back starting next week!! So excited.

At school things have been going well. We're in the midst of figuring out Romeo and Juliet and learning poetry terms. Over these last two years I've come to realize that our school has several pretty serious problems - drug use, student dress, teacher consistency, senior graduation rates, and supporting our students in general. Maybe this is how it is everywhere, but our administrators have chosen to not focus on these serious problems, instead they have chosen to focus on keeping food in the commons and not in the rest of the building. I find this disappointing. We have students that are high as kites, others who are wearing shorts barely long enough to cover their butt, some seniors are in danger of failing and some kids are just plain struggling and we focus on food? Hmm...

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