
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chilly!'s chilly! I was laying in bed with my face poking out of the covers so I could breath thinking that it was awful cold out there. So when I finally got up and looked at the thermastat...Brandon had set it on like 62 degrees! No wonder I was freezing! When I looked out the window it was frosty outside. Fall is definately here and it is clear winter is on the way.

Well, we just finished the first nine weeks at school. I was really concerned because I only had 7 A's before I put in their research papers. I'll have fewer after that, that's for sure. I have about the same number of F's and it is very clear that several students will be repeating my class next year because they have averages in the 20s. I was really disappointed in those students. None of them are stupid, they're just lazy. It made me wonder when expectations were like in middle school and when asked it seemed like if you came to school, you passed. That is so irritating! It does not prepare them for high school where you actually have to do the work to pass and if you don't you take it again. If I was principal, I think that middle school passing culture would have to go.

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