
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Master Degree by December?

Do you know what I realized today?! That I can be done with my masters degree by the end of this coming fall! Heck yeah! I feel a little stupid, but I just noticed that they offer 13 classes, but I only need 12! Yay me!

However I'm sure my advisor is sick of hearing from me. This problem is this - I can't finish my masters unless I take out some financial aid and I can't take out financial aid unless I'm taking 6 credit hours. My second problem is this - this semester I'm technically taking 4 credit hours of internship (plus a 3 hour class), but I'm really doing 2 hours this semester and 2 over the summer, so that works fine for financial aid this semester as on paper I'm taking 7 credit hours. However, that means that on paper I'm not taking any classes this summer. This means I have to take two extra classes to stay at 6 credit hours to avoid repaying my loan so soon.'s complicated. It's made even more complicated because my degree program doesn't offer a lot of classes each semester which is why I have to keep calling my advisor and changing things. I think I settled what I'm going to do...but I need him to sign me up for a class this summer! I think I'll wait a few weeks before I ask for that one!

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