
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Journey

So, lots of times we make New Year's Resolutions to lose weight. Well I didn't do that (see my post about New Year's resolutions). However, I did get inspired to eat healthier. I frequent an online magazine calles Slate ( It has a variety of articles from politics to the environment, from electronics to parenting. Slate also has an interesting array of blogs. One blog I started reading is about one woman's quest to eat healthier. She is using the USDA food pyramid to do this. Suprisingly, the USDA has a TON of great resources like a menu planner to help you stick to their recommendations. Best part - they're free!

So I started using the menu planner (type in mypyramid on your google search to find it). My recommendations based on my height and weight are: 6 oz. of grains (half of which are supposed to be whole grain), 3 cups of veggies, 3 cups of fruit, 3 cups of dairy, and 5 1/2 oz of meat. The menu planner's goal is to get you to eat between 2000 and 2500 calories a day which is the daily recommendation. So far, the hardest part has been fitting in grains and veggies. I realized I don't like a lot of raw veggies and that sometimes I don't eat a lot of grains (I'm not sure if my grain problem is a really a problem or not). I feel pretty good about it since it's NOT a diet, though if I lose weight I will NOT complain. I'm on day three and I'm not hungry and I actually have plenty of energy, though maybe that has to do with not having school for the last two days. We'll see how my energy holds up when I go back to school.

Oh and #4 on my New Years Resolutions will apparently need to wait until next month.

Also, since I stopped playing Frontierville (one New , my computer is much more reliable. Apparently those Facebook games are kryptonite for the computer.

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