
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Don't Think I Can Be a High School Principal

At least not right off. I've come to realize that my mentor has something I do not: a deep, strong manly voice that does not allow for arguing. I do fine talking to girls and boys that I've taught in the past, but boys who don't know me want to argue until the cows come home. Today I was talking to a young man I've never taught who didn't want to go to SRC. He cussed and then walked out of class, but he thought he didn't deserve SRC because was provoked. Well I told him he was still responisible for his behavior and he still had to serve his SRC. He argued. I reiterated that he still had to go to SRC. My mentor walks in and says the exact same things that I said and asks the exact same questions and the student doesn't argue. WTF!! I'm irritated because I did everything the same and didn't get the same respect because I am a young woman. Certainly I understand that part of the problem is that I am not an official principal and only an intern. But I really think that this is going to be a problem for at least a few years. Maybe I'll start at a middle school or maybe if I like elementary school I'll aim for that. Who knows. Maybe I'm just over-emotional and sad and sensitive because for the eighth month in a row I'm not pregnant :-(

In other news, Colby is back to potty training. So far today we've had two accidents and a pair of tennis shoes that need to be washed, but I think as long as he doesn't pee on the couch or bed that we're doing good.

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Daffodils Bloomed!

You may wonder why that's important, but it is. I've been impatiently waiting for spring to come to see what came up from my planting adventure last fall. The tulips are on their way as well, but I think it'll be a couple more weeks before those come up. I also decided I wasn't going to buy any more plants until the daffodils bloomed, so today when I saw their yellow, sunny blooms, I went to walmart and purchased to yellow pansies and a purple something or other that will go in a container for now and in the flowerbed later. I'm really looking forward to making my flowerbeds gorgeous. I'm starting with the one out front to see how it works. Should I plant things in a regular pattern, mix it up a bit, mix colors or go for a pop of one color? Truthfully I'm ridiculously envious of the pictures in those gardening magazines...but there is one thing I've learned from reading them and that is most of those gardens took years and years of hard work to look like that. I keep reminding myself of that so I won't get too down on the shape of my flowerbeds.

In other news I just lined up my internship for the fall. I'll be interning under Stacey Heller at Critzer Elementary School. I feel weird about interning at an elementary school because I haven't really been in an elementary school for any substatial time since...hmmm....since I was in elementary school eons ago. I just keep telling myself that teaching is teaching, parents are parents and students are students and it'll all be okay. I really DO want to do this internship to keep my options open as far as getting an elementary principalship. Who knows, maybe I'll even learn to like it. Maybe kids who actually fear the principal and getting in trouble will be a refreshing change. Maybe parents who care will actually restore my faith in parents in general.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Potty Training Failure

This weekend we tried potty training Colby. I'm woman enough to admit that no training happened, just lots of wet clothes and carpet. Saturday started with promise. Colby sat on his little potty and peed and even "dropped a duece" as some of my friends might say :-) After much praise and calling people to brag, he didn't use the potty anymore all weekend. He peed three times on the carpet, once in my bed (on my side much to my chagrin), twice at church, and once after I laid him down to take a nap - none of them in the toilet. I got a little frustrated and put him in a diaper to take a nap. I guess I'll try again when he wakes up. I know he's old enough to use the potty, it just seems like he can't connect the feeling that he needs to pee to the fact that he needs to go sit on the potty. I might need to make a chart and use stickers or something to get him to go. When all else fails, use bribery I suppose.

In other news I just made two pumpkin pies for pi day tomorrow. You know, pi - 3.14. Tomorrow is 3/14/11.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I Feel Stupid

I had to take Rolly to the vet and I got made to feel stupid. If I'm honest I'll admit that my feelings were hurt. I'm not used to taking care of puppies. I've only had full grown dogs up until this point who are fairly low maintenence. I don't claim to know how to house train, though he seems to be learning by example pretty well, and I was uncertain how much to feed Rolly and how often, but everything seemed to be going well since he was growing and acting playful and such. Today I let him inside around 5:30 and noticed he was shaking. I decided to take him to the vet where I was informed that they couldn't find anything wrong and that he should be eating at least twice a day, which he had been except for today. They thought he had low blood sugar and wanted to keep him overnight. I said okay even though I almost fainted when I looked at the charges for it. So at any rate I'm going to ask for the vets advice on when and how much he should be eating so that they won't think that I'm some sort of hateful dog owner who doesn't take care of her dogs and so we don't have this problem again. I was also told that he shouldn't be staying outside that long, though he was only onside from about 1:30 to 5:30. Yeah it was rainy, but he has dry places to hang out and it wasn't incredibly cold. I'm sure she didn't mean to sound hateful, but I guess I just felt stupid and ignorant, which I certainly don't enjoy.

The stuff with Rolly was the end of a hectic day. I got up early to drive to Abingdon for my internship where we talked about stuff fromm 9-12 and then I had to drive all the way back. And then this! It was a crazy day and might have been avoided if I had thought to put some dog food in Rolly's bowl this morning, but my brain was going in all sorts of directions and I got distracted. I won't get distracted again because my bank accouny can't take it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Meet Rolly

One cute pup!

Definately not a lap dog cause he's scared in this pic.
