
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Potty Training Failure

This weekend we tried potty training Colby. I'm woman enough to admit that no training happened, just lots of wet clothes and carpet. Saturday started with promise. Colby sat on his little potty and peed and even "dropped a duece" as some of my friends might say :-) After much praise and calling people to brag, he didn't use the potty anymore all weekend. He peed three times on the carpet, once in my bed (on my side much to my chagrin), twice at church, and once after I laid him down to take a nap - none of them in the toilet. I got a little frustrated and put him in a diaper to take a nap. I guess I'll try again when he wakes up. I know he's old enough to use the potty, it just seems like he can't connect the feeling that he needs to pee to the fact that he needs to go sit on the potty. I might need to make a chart and use stickers or something to get him to go. When all else fails, use bribery I suppose.

In other news I just made two pumpkin pies for pi day tomorrow. You know, pi - 3.14. Tomorrow is 3/14/11.

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