
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Busy Week!

It has been one crazy busy week...

Several teachers and I took 150+ ninth graders to Radford University to see a production of Romeo and Juliet. We had all finished reading the play in class so it was pretty cool to go see it for real. The kids were pretty good - I only had to remove one student because he got an attitude with me after I seperated him from his buddies. He was taken care of the next day at school with some in school suspension. The play itself was pretty good. The kids were impressed by the fight scenes and got a good laugh over some inappropriate gestures during one scene. I thought it was true to Shakespeare, but I realized that I've probably read this play a few too many times because I could tell when they screwed up the dialogue. The Friar was particularly bad and screwed his lines up regularly. And Romeo - I deny you stars? Dude the line is: I defy you stars! Sorry...38 readings of Romeo and Juliet will do that to you!

I've been helping decorate for prom this week. I couldn't stay for very long because I had to go get Colby from daycare, but I got in a good hour and fifteen or twenty minutes for three days. And a teacher counds as like three kids, so that's like nine hours of kid time :-) The theme this year is cruise to paradise so we have a cruise ship on one side and paradise on the other. And this year I have a date! It's a lot of fun with Brandon :-)

And four years later, I still think about what happened at VT. I can still clearly remember where I was when I found out about the tragedy. I still think about Stack and how vibrant he used to be and in my head I picture him laughing always.

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