
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

One Step Closter to Becoming a Foster Parent

Today we finished our fostering classes. We basically spent three Saturdays learning about the issues we might face by taking in foster kids but also thinking about our strengths and what we bring to the table as far as our family is concerned. I think it will be hard at first, but once we get into the swing of it, it will be fine. A foster mom came in today and answered our questions. She brought an adorable 11 month old boy she was fostering. He was a shaken baby and had really bad acid reflux. There's been an influx of small children lately so I'm hopeful that when we're finally certified, we'll get a small child or sibling group of small children. I think we'll have to go shopping soon for some bunk beds or a crib.

I've been having an excellent summer so far. We went to the pool, park, library and Roanoke this week. We saw Colby's UVA doctors while in Roanoke and checked out some old haunts and ate at an old favorite restaurant. Next week our summer babysitter, Kim, will be starting so I can get serious about my school work that I've only been piddling with. I'm looking forward to July when we go camping, when Colby and I go visit Hampton and when get to take a look at the new locker banks at school :-) My school was built in the 60's and still had the original lockers that were beat up and only worked halfway. The powers that be finally decided they needed to be replaced so I'm looking forward to a spiffy new locker bank area.

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