
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daycare Issues Abound

I'm super stressed out about Colby's daycare situation. We got a call today that Colby will not be allowed to come back to daycare so we're left trying to figure things out. I think we decided to find an in-home daycare for the summer and then enroll him at the high school in the fall. Many people have said what a great program we have at the high school and that the classes are small and there's lots of supervision. I think Colby will do well there and it will keep things pretty simple for me.

I don't know why I keep taking this whole situation so personally. Colby did something really bad, but he's three. He's not going to make good decisions. We try are damnedest to make him understand that there are things that he shouldn't do and praising him when he does things he should do. That's all we can do and hope that somehow it sinks in. I've been feeling like an awful parent though. I know in my head that we're working hard at home, but my feelings don't understand that.

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