
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fun Week!

Last week we had our summer sitter come and watch Colby for three days. I think she's doing a good job so far. And Colby loves her because she pretty much lets him do whatever (within reason of course, no tearing up the house!) They go on lots of bike rides and spent a lot of quality time playing with cars. She does a good job getting him to eat his lunch and getting him down for a nap.

One good thing about having a sitter is that Brandon and I can go out on a date from time to time. Thursday was date day. We loaded up Brandon's rifle and hand gun and rode out to the shooting range in the national forest outside of Blacksburg (across from Pandapas Pond if you're familiar with the area). There were some older gentlemen there who seemed to know each other and had lots of spiffy looking weapons. After we started shooting, a small group of twenty-something showed up too, so it was a pretty full shooting range. I was afraid to use Brandon's rifle at first and to be honest the recoil hurt the first few times, but after that I got used to it and did a pretty decent job hitting what I wanted to hit. I got a pretty awesome video of Brandon shooting a bottle full of water up into the air :-) I was just okay with the hand gun. His gun is heavier than I would prefer and I would anticipate the recoil and go higher or lower than my target a lot of the time. All in all, it was pretty fun. After that we got lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings in Blacksburg and went to see X-men: First Class.

It's been a pretty good week all in all. Today we worked on cleaning up the spare bedroom so that it looks like somewhere a foster kid can sleep. We put a ton of baby supplies in the attic - I didn't realize there was so much stuff hiding in the closet in there - it's not a very big closet! We figured if we needed it getting it down was a lot easier than putting it up and if we didn't need it, then it was out of the way. Our last home visit is tomorrow, so we just wanted our case worker to think we really ARE interested in fostering. We also got our fingerprints done this week so...but come to think of it, we never got the doctor to fill out our physical forms so I guess we'll have to do that before we get our final approval.

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