
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, August 22, 2011

IRS Finally Comes Through

So, a long time ago...around the time we sent in our 2009 taxes...we applied for this little thing called the first time homebuyers tax credit. It was $8000 dollars. Well, the IRS, being the dumb thing that it is, denied the tax credit claiming that we didn't file the correct paperwork. So we refiled the paperwork and they denied it again saying that we didn't file the correct form with the paperwork. So we refiled the paperwork and the correct form and waited. Then we got a bill for $10,000 and were like WTF!!! We called and they said they'd made an error (and we were like "you're damn right!") We got two letters saying they were still processing our paperwork, but finally, FINALLY we got a check in the mail for the $8000 plus interest. Honestly it couldn't have come at a better time. Now we can pay the last five hundred dollars on the RAV4. Now we can get the transmission in the RAV4 fixed so that we have a four wheel drive vehicle. Now we can put some money away for our emergency fund. If you couldn't tell, I'm pumped about getting the money! Thank you GOD!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Couple Days of School

This week has been a little crazy because there have been multiple appointments in various locations with various people. Monday Early Intervention came to work with Ariyana on her motor skills. I think if this teaching thing doesn't work out I'll become an Early Intervetion person - I think it's a pretty sweet gig because all she does is go to visit these kids and play with them so that they'll learn new skills. Also on Monday was the weekly visit with the kids' mom. We dropped them off and then Brandon and I got to go to Barnes and Noble all by ourselves. I was a nerd and bought a book of commonly confused words :-)

Yesterday was major craziness because Brandon had to take all three of the kids to the doctor - by himself. I'm sure it was craziness, but at least afterwards he was able to take them to daycare and spend a little time tooling around Walmart by himself. They seemed to have a really good time at daycare and none of their teachers expressed any concern. Yesterday was also my first official day back at school. It was sort of weird because there wasn't anything on the schedule except breakfast...then we had the entire rest of the day to put our rooms together. I'm DEFINATELY NOT complaining, it was just weird because that almost never happens on the first day of school.

Today was my first day taking the three siblings to daycare by myself. It was a little crazy because the daycare asked us not bring infant carseat carriers back to the classroom, which means I have to carry the baby AND get Ariyana out of the car and then herd Ariyana and Noah through the door with only one free hand. This is hard - at least in the carseat carrier I can set Sahara down if I need to chase someone. Maybe I can take the carseat carrier in with me, drop her off and then bring it out with me...there's a thought! At school things were a bit crazier with meetings and such. We had convocation, a faculty meeting and a department meeting. My room is looking pretty good, though. I just need to arrange the student desks, get rid of a bookshelf and put together a new one and I think things will look pretty decent. Now I just need to iron out the details on this new class...hmm...

Friday, August 12, 2011


Today I dropped $375 on a test that will determine whether I can be a principal or not. This test will take four hours and will be part multiple choice and part essay. My had will be cramped and my brain will not be working when I'm done with this test. Yay. I'm confident I can pass it, though, so it will not be $375 wasted :-)

So yesterday's meeting was good. It was weird because it was me and a bunch of principals and RTI know...people that matter. RTI is going to be taking the education world by storm soon and Pulaski is one of the test counties that will ultimately be mentors to other local counties when it's up and running. Basically RTI is assessing what students know and then working on the things that they don't know in a more systematic/scientific way. It's supposed to be highly individualized. One of our elementary schools has already implemented this and it seems to be working well, but now we need to implement it on a larger level including a test group at the high school that is being taught by yours truly. I am teaching a new class - a year long English class where the Reading Specialist will work with them on reading and I will work with them on writing. They want us to use RTI to target skills that they need to know and then I have a feeling they are expecting us to be able to tell the rest of the school how awesome it is when they implement it full-scale at the high school. I did not know what I was getting myself into when I went to this meeting, but I feel sort of honored that they would ask me to be part of a group of such illustrious school officials. I think the timing is good because the state just released the Adequate Yearly Progress Report and both middle schools and the high school did not make AYP. This is the second year in a row that we haven't made AYP, which could mean not good things for us. Maybe RTI will be good for our students and good for AYP.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week Two...

So we're well into our second week of fostering three kids. We dearly love them all, though they all present some different challenges. Sahara, the baby, is great. She mostly sleeps through the night and rarely cries unless she's hungry or tired. She's a real pleasure to have in the house. Ariyana is really sweet when she's not pouting. She does have a killer pouty face, but I like her better when she smiles :-) She's mostly non-verbal, but I think very soon she'll start picking up words. We just keep talking to her and hoping she'll start talking back. Noah is definately out of the honeymoon phase these days. Sometimes he and Colby play nicely, but the rest of the time they're fussing with each other or being pouty with each other. They fight constantly over everything from being in each other's space to he took my truck. I can't wait for daycare to start next week so they can get a break from each other and maybe peace can reign in my house. I firmly believe that Noah is not a bad kid. He's just not used to sharing with someone his age all the time. There's been lots of temper tantrums today too, which I'm not fond of. I know I'm slightly overwhelmed when I can't wait for a meeting tomorrow for school. I can't wait to listen to adults - not fussing, not screaming, not yelling. I don't even care what they talk about tomorrow just as long as I don't have to break up a fight between three year olds or put anyone in timeout!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Emotional Day

So, I had my first cry today. All my emotions got jumbled up and got the best of me. I guess four kids will do that to you especially when go from one kid to four all of the sudden. It's more stressful sometimes than it ought to be. One good thing happened today though, I got to go to Steppin' Out in Blacksburg. Steppin' Out is a big festival where local artisans sell their stuff. There was lots of cool stuff. Unfortunately I ran out of checks so I only got three things. I saw some pretty cool stuff including wind chimes made out of silverware and some pretty cool lawn ornaments. There was lots of pottery, art and jewelry. I got a necklace and some toys for the boys and that was it. I also got to meet up with Gwen for the second time in two weeks. It was fun to see her again :-)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Where to Start?

Alrighty so, last time I blogged we had one child...a lot has changed since then!

On Friday Brandon and I drove to West Virginia to see the Black Eyed Peas. They are a contemporary pop group that sings pretty decent and clean music. They do some cool stuff with lighting and whatnot. It was pretty fun because we got to meet up with some friends and hang with them. It was really crowded, but that just meant we got to do some people watching, which considering we were in West Virginia was pretty entertaining :-) We spent a long time waiting to leave, but we had a blast.

On Saturday Brandon and I went to go see the children for the first time. They spent the weekend at the home of a family that goes to our church. They didn't seem to be hyper or anything, just kids being kids. We felt better about everything after meeting them, but we were still unsure of how the whole car situation would work out. I mean, how do you put four kids in five passenger car?

After meeting them, we went to a wedding. It was really hot, but it was really pretty and just perfect for that person. I got to meet up with the other English teachers, so that was fun. Unfortunately the real excitement happened on the way home. We drove to Kmart to purchase two cribs for the two girls, but the RAV was acting up on the way over. Eventually we made it, purchased the cribs to be picked up later and loaded diapers and clothes and other misc. stuff into the RAV. Unfortunately RAV made it exactly half a mile and left us stranded on the on ramp for 460 in Christiansburg. Luckily Brandon's dad was able to come pick me up and our massive amounts of stuff. We called a tow truck and Brandon hitched a ride with him to Roanoke to rent a van. Brandon picked up the cribs on his way home and we spent the evening putting those together and trying not to stress about our vehicle issues.

On Sunday we went to church and came home with three extra kids. Ever since then it's been really crazy at our house. It's been good, though. Having a baby has been really pleasant since she sleeps through the night mostly. The 20 month old is below what her development should be, but she's really sweet and she's Brandon's buddy :-) Noah and Colby seem to get along okay, but they have their bad moments like most brothers. They certainly had a blast avoiding nap time today until I seperated them.

So, as far as vehicles go...we found out that the RAV needs a new $3500 transmission. That's more than the car is worth, so we're oging to buy a Mazda5 van from Hertz Car Sales in Charlotte. The Mazda5 is small as far as vans go, but it gets great ratings and is highly recommended by everyone that recommends vehicles. It will seat six so it's perfect for us and the price/mileage is excellent. Brandon is supposed to go down on Sunday to pick it up. I'm pumped :-)