
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, August 22, 2011

IRS Finally Comes Through

So, a long time ago...around the time we sent in our 2009 taxes...we applied for this little thing called the first time homebuyers tax credit. It was $8000 dollars. Well, the IRS, being the dumb thing that it is, denied the tax credit claiming that we didn't file the correct paperwork. So we refiled the paperwork and they denied it again saying that we didn't file the correct form with the paperwork. So we refiled the paperwork and the correct form and waited. Then we got a bill for $10,000 and were like WTF!!! We called and they said they'd made an error (and we were like "you're damn right!") We got two letters saying they were still processing our paperwork, but finally, FINALLY we got a check in the mail for the $8000 plus interest. Honestly it couldn't have come at a better time. Now we can pay the last five hundred dollars on the RAV4. Now we can get the transmission in the RAV4 fixed so that we have a four wheel drive vehicle. Now we can put some money away for our emergency fund. If you couldn't tell, I'm pumped about getting the money! Thank you GOD!!

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