
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Couple Days of School

This week has been a little crazy because there have been multiple appointments in various locations with various people. Monday Early Intervention came to work with Ariyana on her motor skills. I think if this teaching thing doesn't work out I'll become an Early Intervetion person - I think it's a pretty sweet gig because all she does is go to visit these kids and play with them so that they'll learn new skills. Also on Monday was the weekly visit with the kids' mom. We dropped them off and then Brandon and I got to go to Barnes and Noble all by ourselves. I was a nerd and bought a book of commonly confused words :-)

Yesterday was major craziness because Brandon had to take all three of the kids to the doctor - by himself. I'm sure it was craziness, but at least afterwards he was able to take them to daycare and spend a little time tooling around Walmart by himself. They seemed to have a really good time at daycare and none of their teachers expressed any concern. Yesterday was also my first official day back at school. It was sort of weird because there wasn't anything on the schedule except breakfast...then we had the entire rest of the day to put our rooms together. I'm DEFINATELY NOT complaining, it was just weird because that almost never happens on the first day of school.

Today was my first day taking the three siblings to daycare by myself. It was a little crazy because the daycare asked us not bring infant carseat carriers back to the classroom, which means I have to carry the baby AND get Ariyana out of the car and then herd Ariyana and Noah through the door with only one free hand. This is hard - at least in the carseat carrier I can set Sahara down if I need to chase someone. Maybe I can take the carseat carrier in with me, drop her off and then bring it out with me...there's a thought! At school things were a bit crazier with meetings and such. We had convocation, a faculty meeting and a department meeting. My room is looking pretty good, though. I just need to arrange the student desks, get rid of a bookshelf and put together a new one and I think things will look pretty decent. Now I just need to iron out the details on this new class...hmm...

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