
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

School is No Longer Out for Summer

We started school this week. I'm not used to getting up and staying up so early. During the summer Colby would wake up, I'd get him some formula and he'd turn on the TV and watch cartoons while I napped for a little while longer. I had been getting up around nine to eat breakfast. Now it's more like seven. Next week when Colby and Carter start daycare, I'm going to be getting up even earlier.

I'm pretty excited about school because we got new books. The books we were using were published in 1999 and were definetly showing their age. My books looked horrible and had vulgar things written all over them. Needless to say that if I see a student writing in these new books, they will be in lots of trouble. I'm also excited because I have not one, but two honors classes first semester. In some ways honors classes are more work for me, but in other ways it is less work. At any rate it's going to be good.

This week Brandon has been awesome enough to take off of work to hang out with the boys. I think they've been having fun :-) I think, though, that Colby is very ready for his school to start to see his students and his friends.

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