
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Looking for Land

So it's always been mine and Brandon's goal to buy some land, preferably about 5 acres, and build a house. So from time to time I go online and see what's out there just in case there's something awesome that we just can't pass up. Recently while looking online I found this property - 14 acres for $26,900 - out in Giles County. We looked at it on Google maps and the Giles County GIS and it looked like a decent piece of property. The price was obscenely low so we decided to go take a look. We figured it was worth a shot at any rate. We drive out ther and what we see is the side of a huge, steep hill and we are not impressed. I mean I'm talking a 45 degree angle. So the realtor takes us up a small gravel lane and onto another smaller gravel lane that goes into the property and ends at a turn around of red clay. We can't even look down the hill because the weeds are so tall and the red clay, a.k.a. the red glue, gets all over all of our shoes and I'm even less impressed. Then we have to turn around and we're in the van, not our four wheel drive Rav4, so I'm like there is no way we can turn around on the mud, so Brandon had to direct me to turn around in the middle of the gravel road while trying to make sure I didn't go falling down the hill. Ugh. So we went back to the realtor's office and her boss tried to sell us on the property, but I would have none of it. They showed us some other properties on their computer and we swung by to have a look at one on the way home, which was better, but we weren't in love.

Even though the looking was a bust, we learned a few things. We learned what to ask for when it comes to property around here and I learned that I REALLY do NOT want to have to find a new church, so we will be limiting our searching to within a reasonable driving distance of Radford. Brandon and I are making lists tonight to see what is important to us when it comes to land and homes so we'll be able to tell a realtor exactly what we want. We're not in a rush or anything so I think we can get what we want eventually for a decent price.

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