
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sneak Peak Into How Teachers Spend Their Workdays

At the end of last school year, I decided that I was tired of looking at my walls and I decided to paint them. You see, our school, like many others, was built during this horrid phase of our education system called "open classrooms". Our school is celebrating it's 40th anniversary, so that would have been in the seventies. Picture this: a huge open areas in the shape of a circle, no walls, no windows. As you can imagine, that setup didn't work out so well so they spent the money to put up walls. Now there's a large open area in the middle and classrooms around the perimeter, but still no windows. And someone decided that they were going to put up walls that could double as chalkboards so they are magnetic (which is actually pretty great) and large portions of them were chalk-board green. That was probably not a bad decision back in the seventies when chalkboards were used extensively. I could even see writing on my green wall about two feet from the ceiling so obviously they were used. Over the years my room acquired an actual chalk board and then over that a white board. Technology has also lessened the need for chalk boards with the advent of overhead projectors and eventually LCD projectors. I can honestly tell you that I have never written on my walls. So at the end of last school year I got tired of looking at the green. Lets face it, it's ugly and since I have no windows, it made my room look like a cave. After my grades were turned in and my stuff put away, I painted my back wall light blue and my front wall coral to match my tropical poster fetish. It looks great! So the last two days, I've been putting my room together. I've decided to go pretty minimalist in my room and got rid of a table and a bookshelf and decided to store my teacher resources in an empty filing cabinet out in the pod (the circular area in the middle of the classrooms). My students will not be allowed to keep their binders in my room like they were able to in previous years, so now I have a bunch of empty crates to store somewhere (anybody need some crates to borrow?). Now I say I'm going minimalist this year and it sounds like I'm just doing it because I'm both stylish (ha!)and tired of clutter. But the real reason is because I have to house 35 kids in my room for one period. Right now I have 24 desks in my room. I know I can fit 8 more desks comfortably, I'm not sure where the other three will go...we'll see when I start actually putting desks in. I've never had a class this big, so it will be an adventure I'm sure! Oooooh! Maybe I can talk them into mounting my LCD projector on the ceiling instead of a cart so I can have more space for desks! Wishful thinking I'm sure, but who knows!

What's that? Oh, you want to know if I did anything related to actual teaching? Well, I've been talking, brainstorming and searching Google when I need a break from decorating. I have lots of ideas about what and how I want to teach this coming school year, but since not everyone was here these past two days I have decided to hold off on doing a lot of teaching/curriculum stuff until next week when the best brains in southwest Virginia will meet to help shape the lives and minds of young people. My theory is - if I can get my room straight this week, I can throw myself into planning next week! If you were thinking "Sheesh my tax dollars are going into the school system so she can decorate her room", don't fret! The real work is coming!!

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