
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Want Gooey Chocolate

I desperately want something with gooey chocolate in it. What I really want is to go to Macado's and get a Pop's Sundae just like the good old days - a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream and warm chocolate sauce would just about hit the spot. You may be asking why I don't just go get one? The answer is: Colby. Plus Brandon is working night shift so I'd have to go by myself. It would be a major disappointment to go by myself. I'd be eating my huge gooey sundae feeling sorry for myself becuase all my friends live far away :-( I almost made chocolate chip pancakes just to satisfy my need for a chocolatey baked good, but I talked myself out of it. After all, I've already eaten dinner.

Well, tomorrow is the end of my first semester at my new school. It's weird to get new students next week. It's almost like I'm starting a new school year except I'm starting it in February. Weird. I feel much less prepared than I usually do at the beginning of the school year. But I think I can fix a lot of problems I ran into last semester. I just need to make sure I finish grading the exams from this semester tomorrow so I'll be able to spend all my time on Monday getting ready for new students. It's supposed to snow though, so I don't even know if I'll be at school. Maybe I'll go even if it does snow.

If I do go to school, we're going to Fatz for lunch. I'm not sure what the fascination is with that place other than there's not another one in the area. There's some really cool smaller places that I'd like to try, but I'd rather hang out with the other teachers than try something new. Hanging out with the other teachers gives me new incites into what it has been like in past years when I wasn't there and it gives me incites into the inner workings of my school. Sometimes it's interesting and helpful. Other times, it's just gossip. But that's a bunch of female teachers for you! But Fatz...I think it's not that different from a Friday's or Applebees. The other teachers rave over the food, but I haven't had anything there that I absolutely couldn't live without. I wish that there was a Texas Roadhouse there instead. I LOVE the roadhouse! I hope Brandon isn't too upset that I want to go there to eat on Saturday for our date. We have a gift card for Olive Garden, but I'm craving an 8 oz sirloin, a house salad with italian dressing and some sort of potato (and maybe a blooming onion!), which you just can't get at Olive Garden.

Brandon's mom is just as excited as I am that we're going on a date. I swear you'd think we kept Colbster away from her for a month or more (which we didn't). I'm glad that we have a set of grandparents close by that don't mind us dropping Colby off while we go out to just be a couple. I know we'll probably end up talking about Colby, but at least we won't have to give him a bottle or pick up his toys or let him stand on our laps while we eat. Plus, it's great to just be us. It's almost like before we had Colby...almost. Don't get me wrong, Colby is one of the best things in our lives, but babies are a lot of work. And frustration is the norm, especially when pureed carrots are flying all over the place. Oh well. At least Colby looks good in orange :-)

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