
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I've wanted to start a blog for a while, but I never did because I didn't know if I'd be very good at it. Plus I worried that my life wasn't very interesting. I'm going to try it for a couple of weeks and see if I'm any good at it. If you're reading this later, then I guess I succeeded and told everyone about it. If nobody reads it because I'm awful and decided not to tell anyone, that's okay too. They always say that journaling is really good for you so even if nobody reads this blog, it'll be like I was journaling for my sanity.

Today was a "snow" day, though it turned out more like a rain day - not that I'm complaining about being off from school, I just know someone feels pretty silly that I'm sitting at home watching the rain splash on my deck. Brandon was off so we both got to spend some quality time with Colby who was kind of fussy today. He wants to be standing constantly, but he doesn't have any balance yet, so someone has to hold him or he has to be in the exersaucer. You can see where the problem would lie - we don't want to hold him constantly and he doesn't want to be in the exersaucer constantly so one of us is usually frustrated. One day he'll be able to walk around by himself and then we'll be going crazy because everything on a table will be on the floor and everything on the floor will be in his mouth. He's still very fun, though. Brandon spins him in circles in the kitchen and he just giggles! He'll never be afraid of roller coasters that's for sure. Sometimes he just makes me giggle when I look at him and his hair is sticking up all crazy. That boy has a serious cowlick.

I've been experimenting with my new ice cream maker. A couple of days ago I made vanilla ice cream, but when I put the chocolate chips in, it clogged it up and made it stop. It was still really tasty though. Today we experimented with chocolate pudding - freezing chocolate pudding makes it taste like fudgecicles. I don't know if I'll make it again. I think there's so many good options that I don't need to settle for something I only like sort of. I think next time I'll try to make some ice cream that Colby can eat - I mean not that he can eat it now, but at some point when he's older. His ice cream is made with cool whip, I like cool whip so it'll probably taste really good. I let you know.