
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Compliment Protocol

Today I went to school, graded papers and fussed at a few students, went to Walmart, came home, ate dinner, and went to bible study. I'm doing a Beth Moore study on Esther with Katie and Elaine at Katie's church. So far I like the study. We're watching the videos which I'd never done before and let me tell you that Beth Moore is the most intense speaker I think I've ever watched. Sometimes she looks a little crazy, but she sure knows how to make connections across the Bible and offer new incites to stories I thought I always knew.

Colby doesn't seem to mind going either and hanging out in the nursery. They love the fact that he doesn't cry when I leave him - he's just content to sit and play. Lots of people got to meet Colby today and I have to admit I like it when someone says he's cute, I just don't know what I'm supposed to say. If I say 'Thank you,' it seems like I'm taking credit for his cuteness (which I guess I could since I'm his mom) but it also sounds sort of like 'yeah, I know my baby's the cutest.' Sometimes I joke and say that I agree, but that I'm partial. I don't know if that's the right thing to do. I wonder what the protocol is on something like that. What would Dear Prudence say? He is pretty cute, but his hair makes him look like he stuck his finger in a socket (which of course he can't do at our house since Brandon's already babyproofed it). I wonder if his hair will settle down - I don't want him to look like a crazy kid when he goes to school with his hair sticking out every which way. Okay, I promise I'm done being a crazy mom - for today :-)

At school my kids had to go to an assembly on cyber issues. I know that kids do crazy stuff, but I don't think I'll ever understand their need to text nude pictures of themselves back and forth. In what world would anyone think that's okay? I mean, I know we live in a sexed up world, but sending pictures of yourself to some boy who can, with the press of a button, pass it on is beyond insane. I think kids aren't taught to think about the consequences of their actions. Plus, in what world would you give a twelve year old a full use cell phone? I think a Mego would be a good option if you caught your twelve year old texting inappropriate pictures. And grounding them for life. Why don't some parents act like parents? I mean is it really that hard? I guess I'll find out.

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