
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, October 15, 2010


I opened the back of the car and was like "Hmm...a case of toilet paper. What...don't we already have a case of toilet paper in the bathroom? Is Brandon saving TP in case of the apocolypse?" When I called he said no he wasn't stockpiling TP for the apocolypse, yet, he just forgot he'd already bought some and bought some more.

This week was homecoming week. As the sophomore class sponsor I had to meet with my officers, come up with ideas for decorating, buy the supplies and stay after school to supervise and do a little helping. Our theme was cartoons from the 90s and our assigned cartoon was Spongebob Squarepants. It was really a piece of cake. On our wall we created the houses of the different characters connected by a road and the cartoon logo, on the locker ends we painted the characters, over the lockers we hung jellyfish and bubbles and on the banner we had two of the characters playing football amid a sea of bubbles. Usually it's difficult for anyone to beat the seniors, but we beat everyone! Yay sophomores! Though, Ironically enough they misspelled sophomores by spelling it sophmores. In the end we added an apostrophe so it was soph'mores. It was funny.

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