
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer School/6th Anniversary

This week and last week I've been getting ready for summer school and helping it get off to a hopefully good start. Last week I did some grunt work and made phone calls and such. This week I've been putting rosters together and keeping track of attendance. I'm doing summer school for middle schoolers and it's interesting how different they are from high schoolers. High school boys and girls can't keep their hands off each other, middle school boys and girls think they might get cooties and keep their distance. High schoolers think they're too cool for lots of things, middle schoolers haven't gotten there yet. Some high schools have discovered that getting in trouble gets in the way of the things they want, middle schoolers still think it's funny. High schoolers call each other harlots and other similar things, middle schoolers accuse each other of eating boogers. It was really hectic for the first couple of days because I had to manually change rosters and keep attendance on an excel spreadsheet. There have only been some minor discipline issues so far. Some of these kids go to alternative school and can get to snotty, rude, hateful human beings in 2.5 seconds. Some are really sweet and I totally admire their energy. They are always running and full of energy, except some who can't keep their heads of their desks during class :-)

Last weekend we went to the river with Brandon's family. We got into the river for a bit with Colby who really enjoyed himself...especially throwing rocks to hear the splash. Also last weekend was Brandon and I's sixth anniversary. Colby spent the night with Brandon's parents and we went out for dinner and a movie. We've been trying to go to Outback for I don't know how long and finally got to eat there blooming onion and all. We saw Bad Teacher and I got a few laughs out of it. On July 4th we went to Christiansburg and Colby got to watch his first fireworks. He really enjoyed watching them and waving his glow stick around :-) This weekend I'm thinking of taking Colby to pick blueberries...I think that could be fun, but only if Colby is a good listener since Brandon will be sleeping. We'll see though!

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