
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Start of Foster Care

So today we got a call from DePaul asking if we would take our first foster children. I thought they would try to ease us into this, but no, they asked us to take not one, not two, but three foster kids - Noah (4), Arianna (18 mos) and Sahara (3 mos). I think we can fit three more kids in our house, but the main problem is that our car is not big enough for all of them to sit in the back seat. The ideal solution is for us to buy a new car. The reality is that we don't feel like that's a viable option for us. So we decided to buy a passenger airbag on/off switch. That way one of them, probably Noah, can sit in the front seat without the airbag going off in an accident. The hope is that we can pay off the RAV ASAP and save for at least a couple of months to put a really nice down payment on a new or new/used van. I'm really excited about this! I'm excited to be able to provide a home for these kids who are in a less than ideal situation. I'm also excited about being able to buy little girl clothes :-) I think I'll be glad to look back on this craziness, but I think I'll look back with fondness!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thoughts for Teaching This Year

Every summer I think about the up-coming school year and decide what I'm going to do differently. This summer I decided to buy a book that would give me some fresh ideas and a new perspective. The book is What Great Teachers Do Differently by Todd Whitaker. This book is really good. As I read I think about how great it would be for everyone in my school to read this book - it's a quick read, only 128 pages. I already have a list of things I'd like to do or do better when school starts. I also have a mental list of what I'd like others to do better. If they only did one thing better, I would say they need to be more positive. I think my school has a culture of complaining and negativity that I would love to see go away. I'm guilty of complaining, but when confronted with massive complaining this summer, I found out how unproductive and detrimental complaining is. I won't say that I'll never complain again, but I think after reading the book and my summer experiences, I'll complain less. And what's to complain about really? We have the best jobs on the planet (hello, summer break!) and we get to help influence future generations to hopefully be better than past generations. Every day is different from the one before and every set of kids is a chance to get to know new people and solve new problems. If you are a teacher and don't love your job (most of the time) then maybe you're complaining too much :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Lovin'

Now that summer school is over, I'm trying to do some things that I don't normally do. I went to visit my parents this past weekend (not that I don't normally visit, but the timing was good :-) ). I got a bunch of apples, tomatoes, corn and green beans while I was visiting. I made a batch of applesauce to can and am thinking about making another bag of apples into apple pie filling. I'm also thinking about making apple cobbler. I haven't decided what to do with the tomatoes yet, but I'm thinking about canning those or making spaghetti sauce and then canning it.

I've also been working on my slip cover some. I got fabric back in June and I started pinning it, but I haven't gotten around to sewing it until last night. I realized some time ago that I'll need a couple more yards of fabric, but I can finish most of it this week if I keep at it. I'm also contemplating cleaning out the laundry room. Brandon finally moved the shed to it's final resting spot so I'm thinking the giant saw and extension cords and other random stuff can be moved to the shed. This is a big job, so I might wait until this weekend when Brandon can help me. Then we're taking the entertainment center out of the laundry room, taking it apart and putting it in the attic because it takes up TOO MUCH SPACE. It's convenient for storage, but I think there are easier ways to solve the storage shelves over the washer and dryer or using shelf space in the closet more efficiently. My house may never make it into Better Homes and Gardens, but by golly it can be better than it is now! Actually I know that my house would never be in Better Homes and Gardens because it is tiny! I've been dreaming lately of living in a house twice this size with an open floor day we'll make it happen :-) One day we'll have the house, a flower and vegetable garden worth bragging about, chickens, fruit trees and bushes and space to grow our own wheat (I know, I know, I can buy flour at the store, but why bother if I could easily grow my own?!).

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer School is Out with a Bang

Well, summer school is over. It definately went out with a bang this week. We had a fight on Tuesday where one boy knocked another to the floor. Both kids were suspended and might be suspended at the beginning of the school year. The real headache happened on Wednesday morning when we discovered that someone had video taped the fight on their phone and posted it on youtube. We spent a long time trying to figure out who put it on there and how to take it down. As of right now it's gone, but I'm sure the video is all over Pulaski by now. Today I had to deal with an angry parent. I won't say exactly what happened, but they cursed at me and were really rude because THEIR CHILD made a stupid decision. It's amazing how parents thing we ought to stalk their child and literally keep and eye on them every second of every day when we have to supervise so many other kids too. As some point these children need to become responsible human beings and we can't trust a child to go sit in the lobby and wait for their ride without them walking out the door, then what can they be trusted with?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blueberry Cream Cheese Pound Cake...Yum

I finally made some blueberry cream cheese pound cake. One word - delicious! If you want the recipe here it is:

This has been the hottest day of the summer so far. The heat index is well into the hundreds. I'm sure our electric bill will be ridiculous when we get our next one, but thankfully the A/C doesn't cost as much as heat. We apparently keep our A/C a lot higher than lots of people (75) but we use fans in the living room and bedrooms, though I 've been contemplating putting one in the kitchen too.

We've been trucking along in summer school. I had one kid get smart with the school resource officer and my fellow administrator yesterday. He was suspended for today and will be back tomorrow. We'll see if he can behave himself. Other than that most of our issues have been minor and a lot of paperwork. We are halfway through and nobody has quit yet, so I guess that's an accomplishment :-) I think I like this internship because there are some problems that have to be figured out and parents dealt with beyond the discipline issues that I spent a lot of time on at the high school. I think the lady in charge wants to give it up next year. I think in her mind she thinks she's training me to take her place. I think I'd do it if I haven't been hired to be a principal somewhere else by then. It's a pain to deal with some of the things, but I think overall it's a decent three weeks worth of extra pay :-)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blueberries Everywhere!

Yesterday I took Colby blueberry picking. I'd never been picking around a matter of fact I haven't been blueberry picking since I was a kid. There was a place out in Giles County about 10 miles past Virginia Tech that was great! We had such a good time. Of course it took Colby a while to figure out that the you're not supposed to pick the green ones and the look on his face when he ate a green one was pretty funny. He stayed near my the whole time and picked some good berries (and ate some good berries). It got kind of hot toward the end, but it was so relaxing and the view was beautiful. If they're open next weekend, I might take Brandon there :-) You know those containers you get at the grocery store for strawberries? We filled up one big square one and two small ones for $13. I think that's a score. I was going to try making some blueberry cream cheese pound cake, but I felt that taking a nap was a much higher priority today :-) I'll make some pound cake tomorrow :-) I did however make blueberry pancakes this morning...yum!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer School/6th Anniversary

This week and last week I've been getting ready for summer school and helping it get off to a hopefully good start. Last week I did some grunt work and made phone calls and such. This week I've been putting rosters together and keeping track of attendance. I'm doing summer school for middle schoolers and it's interesting how different they are from high schoolers. High school boys and girls can't keep their hands off each other, middle school boys and girls think they might get cooties and keep their distance. High schoolers think they're too cool for lots of things, middle schoolers haven't gotten there yet. Some high schools have discovered that getting in trouble gets in the way of the things they want, middle schoolers still think it's funny. High schoolers call each other harlots and other similar things, middle schoolers accuse each other of eating boogers. It was really hectic for the first couple of days because I had to manually change rosters and keep attendance on an excel spreadsheet. There have only been some minor discipline issues so far. Some of these kids go to alternative school and can get to snotty, rude, hateful human beings in 2.5 seconds. Some are really sweet and I totally admire their energy. They are always running and full of energy, except some who can't keep their heads of their desks during class :-)

Last weekend we went to the river with Brandon's family. We got into the river for a bit with Colby who really enjoyed himself...especially throwing rocks to hear the splash. Also last weekend was Brandon and I's sixth anniversary. Colby spent the night with Brandon's parents and we went out for dinner and a movie. We've been trying to go to Outback for I don't know how long and finally got to eat there blooming onion and all. We saw Bad Teacher and I got a few laughs out of it. On July 4th we went to Christiansburg and Colby got to watch his first fireworks. He really enjoyed watching them and waving his glow stick around :-) This weekend I'm thinking of taking Colby to pick blueberries...I think that could be fun, but only if Colby is a good listener since Brandon will be sleeping. We'll see though!