
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Start of Foster Care

So today we got a call from DePaul asking if we would take our first foster children. I thought they would try to ease us into this, but no, they asked us to take not one, not two, but three foster kids - Noah (4), Arianna (18 mos) and Sahara (3 mos). I think we can fit three more kids in our house, but the main problem is that our car is not big enough for all of them to sit in the back seat. The ideal solution is for us to buy a new car. The reality is that we don't feel like that's a viable option for us. So we decided to buy a passenger airbag on/off switch. That way one of them, probably Noah, can sit in the front seat without the airbag going off in an accident. The hope is that we can pay off the RAV ASAP and save for at least a couple of months to put a really nice down payment on a new or new/used van. I'm really excited about this! I'm excited to be able to provide a home for these kids who are in a less than ideal situation. I'm also excited about being able to buy little girl clothes :-) I think I'll be glad to look back on this craziness, but I think I'll look back with fondness!

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