
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Lovin'

Now that summer school is over, I'm trying to do some things that I don't normally do. I went to visit my parents this past weekend (not that I don't normally visit, but the timing was good :-) ). I got a bunch of apples, tomatoes, corn and green beans while I was visiting. I made a batch of applesauce to can and am thinking about making another bag of apples into apple pie filling. I'm also thinking about making apple cobbler. I haven't decided what to do with the tomatoes yet, but I'm thinking about canning those or making spaghetti sauce and then canning it.

I've also been working on my slip cover some. I got fabric back in June and I started pinning it, but I haven't gotten around to sewing it until last night. I realized some time ago that I'll need a couple more yards of fabric, but I can finish most of it this week if I keep at it. I'm also contemplating cleaning out the laundry room. Brandon finally moved the shed to it's final resting spot so I'm thinking the giant saw and extension cords and other random stuff can be moved to the shed. This is a big job, so I might wait until this weekend when Brandon can help me. Then we're taking the entertainment center out of the laundry room, taking it apart and putting it in the attic because it takes up TOO MUCH SPACE. It's convenient for storage, but I think there are easier ways to solve the storage shelves over the washer and dryer or using shelf space in the closet more efficiently. My house may never make it into Better Homes and Gardens, but by golly it can be better than it is now! Actually I know that my house would never be in Better Homes and Gardens because it is tiny! I've been dreaming lately of living in a house twice this size with an open floor day we'll make it happen :-) One day we'll have the house, a flower and vegetable garden worth bragging about, chickens, fruit trees and bushes and space to grow our own wheat (I know, I know, I can buy flour at the store, but why bother if I could easily grow my own?!).

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