
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Close to Paradise

So, I've been having a good time lately. I've been able to spend a lot of time with Brandon and Colby. I feel like Brandon and I are at a really good place in our marriage and honestly I wouldn't change a thing between us. I've been enjoying Colby - I love his facial expressions, I love the comments he makes sometimes and I love the way he says I love you. His comment of the day yesterday was "That's the deal!" Is it always paradise...definately not...especially when he threw himself on the floor in a full out tantrum this afternoon as soon as we walked through the door, but it's been pretty close.

Carter seems to be growing like crazy lately. He's been moving around a lot more lately which has been making me a tad uncomfortable. I didn't use to have any issues at school, but lately I'll stand up and whince because it doesn't feel great when your child is pushing down or out.

In other news I'm really happy with the way our front flower beds and planters are coming along. The pansies look great with the tulips blooming. The wildflowers are coming up and the butterfly bush looks like it's going to fabulous this year. I planted some lettuce, spinach and peas in three of the planters on the front porch and we started some other veggies inside. I can't wait for Brandon to get the big garden tilled so something other than dandilions can grow in it.

Life is good right now. I'm not sure what's going to happen with foster care in the future. We spoke with our case worker's boss yesterday and we talked a little bit about the future. We're definately open to doing foster care again, but we made it clear we wanted to have Carter and get to know our new family for a while before we do this again. We'll have to be a lot more careful about who we allow into our home and we will never be able to do three kids again. While we were reflecting on our experience, I realized that we had a great time with the two younger girls and not as much fun with Noah...maybe if we do it again it will be ONE baby - that would be ideal :-) But for now, I'm living in the moment and the moment is pretty good :-)

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