
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I want spring!

Today I planted some hanging baskets with pansies. I want spring to be here so bad! I don't want any more cold, wind and snow - I want flowers! I want sunshine! I want to go outside wearing my flip-flops!! And I want my skin to not be so dry! I'm kind of antsy to get my vegetables started too, but I'm trying to wait until the beginning of April because I can't plant anything outside until May anyway. In the meantime I hope we'll get some horse manure from Blacksburg to work into the garden and I also hope we'll be putting a picket fence around the patio to keep the dogs off and make a really nice place to entertain.

Brandon has been working on getting the truck running again. He replaced the battery, but now it needs new tires to pass inspection. We had an offer for someone to buy it, but we're hanging on to it for else are we getting manure from Blacksburg? It's not costing us anything except for insurance and upkeep, plus it's a little blast from my past :-) I put many miles on that truck from Blacksburg to Hampton :-)

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