
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Will My House Ever Be in BH&G?

Okay, so one day I randomly started getting a subscription to Better Homes & Gardens. I love this magazine and I want my house to look like those in the magazines. I read the articles and look at all the pictures and then I look around at my messy house and feel deflated. I think I'll have to wait twenty years until my kids are older for me to even consider doing those things that are in the magazine. And my gardens will never look like those in the magazine, but I can still imagine!

Today I cooked the green beans - they were delicious. And I also cooked a pre-marinaded pork tenderloin from Walmart - it was excellent!! I would totally recommend this to anybody that is looking for something tasty to eat. I cooked the garlic and herb one for an hour and a half at 325.

Today I looked to see when I have to go back to school - August 24th for anybody that's curious. I feel pretty excited about this coming school year. I have some ideas floating in my head about how to make my class more interesting. The one I'm really excited about involves reading some classic/good short stories, determining why they are classic/good, and then having my students write their own short story. I'm also flirting with the idea of having my students start a blog so that we can do some journaling in class, but I'm not sure - the English computer lab is always taken up by teachers that don't even have a classroom in the English pod. We shall see on that. Plus I'm also thinking about painting my classroom and pale blue color, but I still have to ask for permission and all that jazz. At any rate, I'm looking forward to school. I hope I still feel the same way halfway into the new semester.

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