
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sorry I've Been a Slacker!

Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting in a week! I needed to take a break from the computer for a little while and since I'm done with my class (yay!) I don't need to be on the internet as much.

So, I'm down 11 pounds so far on my diet. I kind of messed it up a little this past weekend. I went to visit Lindsey up in Northern Virginia and we ate out a lot - first at the Reston Festival (pita bread is not on the diet), then at Sweet Water (not too bad - got a salad), then we went to Red Robin on Sunday (not too bad here either - got a salad, but it had tortilla strips on it). I certainly wasn't as strict as I usually am, but oh well. I didn't gain weight at least! The Reston Festival was fun, I got Colby a jigsaw puzzle in the shape of a T-rex and I got two sundresses that I'm looking forward to busting out at the beach next week.

Visiting Lindsey was fun (Colby got to see a cat for the first time!), but I have determined that Northern Virginia is just not the place for me. I didn't realize how much I love the country until I rode around all those buildings and highways. It brings a whole new meaning to the term "concrete jungle". Plus, I want Colby to grow up in a place where he doesn't have to worry about being mowed down by a car fifteen feet from his house. Rural areas are dying out so I want Colby to experience them while he can. He can visit the city any time he wants, but once rural areas are gone, they're gone.

Well, my stomach is growling for lunch, but I'll post tomorrow! By the way, Daddy, if you're reading this, ask Mommy if I can get that family tree on Friday please. Thanks!

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