
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Oooooo That Smell...

This past weekend Colby and I went go visiting in Hampton. We had a nice drive down on Friday and when we arrived, my dad introduced me to their new Wii. I played ping pong and bowling against my dad, he smoked me on ping pong, but we were pretty evenly matched on the bowling. I beat him on a regular game, but he beat me on the crazy gauntlet of spinning bowling balls, which I maintain is sort of unfair because I'd never played that before :-) On Saturday I played some more Wii...I liked it :-) Also on Saturday I got to hang out with my grandparents. Colby was such a showoff for everyone that night, but a loveable showoff. On Sunday we hung out in the morning and Colby and I drove back to Radford. The biggest news on that trip: It was HOT! On Saturday and Sunday the high was over 100 degrees. The house was so hot that I had to sleep downstairs or sweat to death upstairs...guess which I chose.

While I was putting the carseat back in the RAV before leaving I thought I smelled something bad. I looked around, didn't see anything and shrugged thinking that maybe I needed to clean the car seat or something. Later down the road, the car was really stinking and I was like, "What the heck is that?" Then it dawned on me...on Friday I stopped outside Richmond to change Colby's pooey diaper...and then left it in the car for two 100+ days!!!! EWWWWWW! So I stopped and tossed it (sorry to Dairy Queen) before heading up the road with a much better smelling car!

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