
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Update

So, my summer has turned out to be pleasantly uneventful. I've been happy to report that I've read three books since returning from the beach, which is probably more than I read all of last summer. If you like "what if.." fiction, you'll like S.M. Stirling and his books about The Change. They're fairly large, so if don't start reading them unless you have lots of time.

I finally finished my summer class, which I'm ecstatic about because I was sick of working on this online group project. I don't mind working with my group face to face, but I'm certainly disliking this online thing. Oh, well. It puts me closer to getting my masters degree. Oh! And Radford is thinking about starting a doctorate program for Ed Leadership so if I should decide to get that I'll be Dr. Julie Gill! :-) However, I won't lie...writing a thesis scares the poop out of me.

Well, our backyard garden is doing very well. We have pumpkins, watermelons, lettuce, green beans, eggplant, potatoes, and corn growing very well. One pumpkins will be the size of a basketball very soon. The corn looks a little raggeddy, but I think we may get some eventually. The front garden isn't doing well at all. I think we dropped the ball on preparing the soil. Live and learn I guess. At least it rained again today for a fair length of time.

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