
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Update

So, winter break officially started on December 16th with about four inches of snow topped with some freezing rain. I was down with that. I stayed home and hung with Colby. On Friday I thought about taking the little man to daycare, but decided I didn't really want to leave the house. We pretty much stayed home all weekend and did a whole lot of nothing.

Tuesday we took Colby to daycare so we could clean the house without him tearing it up behind us...I'd like to say it's spotless, but it isn't. The good thing is, is I got to make his special candy for his stocking - I dipped marshmallows and prezels in almond bark and topped with sprinkles, pretty tasty if I do say so myself.

Wednesday was pretty nice. Brandon and I took Colby to daycare again and commenced on a lunch date. We went to Olive Garden for lunch and then we went to see True Grit. The movie was surprisingly good, though if you're looking for some sort of happy ending that isn't the movie to go watch, though if you like dry and sarcastic humor, this is the perfect movie for you.

Thursday was not as nice. We got a text around 4:00 that Nick's girlfriend, Mary Lee, was at the hospital with her mother and that her mother was dying. Mary Lee's mother had, had breast cancer which had metasticized (sp?) into her lung. She developed a mass in her other lung. I got to the hospital about 4:30 and she passed away around 5:00. It was very upsetting because Mary Lee is only in her early twenties and just graduated from college. It will be really hard to go on without her mother as the two were really close. I just keep praying that everything will work itself out in the way it should. Along with all that, I had to eat my words (don't you hate it when you have to do that?). I told my mom last weekend that I wouldn't really hurt myself if I fell on the ice (I don't know...maybe I was thinking I wasn't old enough to break a hip), but guess what, I fell on the ice on the back patio and twisted the heck out of my ankle. I'm still limping the next day.

So now it's Friday, Christmas Eve. I made some stellar looking cookies that I didn't want to take to church because they were just so pretty (I'll post some pics when I find my camera cable). I also got a bit bummed because my evening didn't look too exciting and I missed my family. It was looking like leftover pizza and whatever terribleness comes on tv on a Friday night. Then, on the way to church Brandon's mom invited me and Colby to go to Wytheville and meet up with Jaime, Derek and Tommy. I quickly agreed to go because it sounded like a LOT more fun than what I had going on.

Tomorrow is Christmas and Brandon is working...but it will be okay I suppose. Even if we have to push the festivities back to Sunday, it will be okay. Merry Christmas everyone!!

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