
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Delayed

So we finally got around to opening presents at 10p.m. on Christmas and we continued on Sunday morning. Brandon was tickled by his present from me. A while ago I wrote about how Brandon has a crush on local weatherwoman Alyssa Corfont. Well I e-mailed her to ask for a signed picture to give to him for Christmas - trust me that e-mail was hard to write because I wanted to avoid Brandon appearing like a stalker. But at any rate, she agreed to send me the picture and I got it framed along with a picture of yours truly. Brandon laughed and totally appreciated the gift and both pictures are sitting on his night stand next to his new Taylor Swift CD. You can definately tell who his favorite people are in the world.

Yesterday was the viewing for Mary Lee's mom. I felt awkward. "I'm sorry" just doesn't cover it. How can I possibly explain how bad I feel about how everything happened. Mary Lee JUST graduated from college and her mom was only 54. There should have been many more wonderful years in their future. I just hope and pray that Mary Lee's mom knew God and that she's with Him right now. It's still sad for Mary and her her sister, but at least they will see her again one day and their mom is living without pain. One thing I know for sure is that Bette was loved. There were so many people at the viewing that it took me and hour and a half to get through the line and there was still no end in sight.

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