
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yesterday's Adventures

I did two things yesterday...

1. I sliced the heck out of my thumb on the kitchen slicer. I know, I know you're supposed to use the plastic holder thingy to slice your veggies, but that's near impossible with a bell pepper. Brandon got me smallish bandaid and I put it on, stirred my veggies and then determined the smallish bandaid wasn't going to cut it. It bled for like 20 minutes even using Brandon's awesome first aid kit gauze.

2. I finished my Christmas shopping except for maybe some randomness. Brandon watched Colby and I took my wounded self to Target where I got Colby some other random stuff and bought my secret santa gifts for school. Plus I bought some beautiful cardigans for $15!! You can't really beat that! And I got some extra surprises for Brandon - he already got his big gift - a .308 Savage rifle - so he need some things he didn't know about...I'm so proud of myself...I'm sneaky! I'll explain after Christmas.

And shhhh...don't tell Brandon, but I turned the heat up to 69 degrees and turned both sides of the heater on because I shouldn't have to freeze in my own house when I'm wearing pants, socks, slippers, a tank top, a real shirt, a cardigan and a blanket over my legs. The tip of my nose is cold though :-(

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