
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Few Frustrations Lead to God

Well, it snowed for the 2nd time in as many weeks. We now have two snow days to make up somewhere (I guess). From the beginning of the week it looked like it was going to snow's a good thing it did because I had no plans for today.

I'm feeling frustrated with school right now...I think this is going to be a very difficult semester because my class sizes are huge and full of students with special needs. I'm certainly not against working with students that have special needs - I'm just frustrated that they weren't spread more evenly between semesters and classes. Now I'm done complaining because it won't fix anything and I hate complainers. I realize the other day that this might be God knocking on my school life door. Yesterday I listend to a local Christian radio station on my way to work and my attitude was way more positive than the day before. I know I've always seperated my work life from church life and I've known for a long time that I was wrong to do that, so maybe God is trying to make me see that I can't do it alone and that I NEED Him. And with nearly 25 special needs students and 80 students total I'll need His help more than ever. Just a comparison - last semester I had maybe 5 special needs students and 70 students (and I thought that those classes were big...ha!).

Other things I'm frustrated about today:

1. The sound randomly stopped working on the computer (how am I going to watch walking dead now?!)
2. The weather channel keeps naming these winter storms (todays was Khan...the wrath of Khan...ha!)
3. The laundry won't put itself away (sigh)
4. And I'm wearing two pairs of pants, three shirts, socks and slippers and I'm just comfortable...that's a lot of clothes to wash and put away (see #3)
5. I lost my wedding band for about 24 hours earlier this week. It fell off because my hands were cold and probably because I lost weight. I found it later in the vegetable drawer in the fridge. (Ha!) Might need to get my rings resized.

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