
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, January 18, 2013


Well, I promised to put up a new post at least once a week and I noticed I'd already missed posting for over a week...oops! But it can be a good thing...that means nothing very interesting has happened and I didn't have anything to write about :-)

Yesterday something interesting did snowed...a lot! We probably got about 6 or 7 inches. Colby was super excited. He burst into our room this morning almost in tears because he'd been watching the news and they said the sun was going to come out and melt the snow. I guess he was afraid he wouldn't be able to play in it before it melted :-) But he did get to go outside and play pretty much all morning. It wasn't very good snow for snowballs because it was a bit powdery, but he and Brandon still managed to fling snow at each other :-) and Brandon took Colby to the elementary school down the road to go sledding. There's a huge hill there. They seemed to have a blast!

I on the other hand had to grade papers :-( Today was supposed to be a teacher workday and I SURE had work to do. At this point I'm not sure when grades are due...soon I even though I couldn't go to school I had to finish grading exams and start planning for next semester. I'm pretty stressed about starting the new semester next week - I haven't even had time to make copies of my syllabus! I might have to go in on Monday, which is supposed to be a day off, and pray that I can get to a copier. If not, I guess I can scramble for one block and get my act together for the others during my planning...I'll think of something! One thing most teachers are good at doing is coming up with a Plan B, C, D, E, or F on the fly!

Oh, and I didn't do super great these past two weeks when it comes to dieting...I lost one pound and was steady on my measurements. That's nothing to sneeze at. I didn't gain! But I guess I was hoping it would go a bit faster :-) I'm just going to blame it on my mom for tempting me with sweet potatoes and chocolate cake (which I didn't eat!) :-) Love you mommy!

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