
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blood Test for PKU

One thing that comes with being the parent of kids with PKU is blood tests. We do blood test on Colby and Carter once a month unless our nutritionist wants us to do it more frequently. Knowing how much a finger poke hurts, I always feel bad doing this, but it's necessary to make sure their levels stay within range. We mail them to Richmond and in about a week and a half we get a phone call from the nutritionist to see where they are and make appropriate changes. One thing I noticed about Colby is that when his levels are too high OR too low, his behavior gets more erratic. Lately it hasn't taken much to send him to a crying fit. I mean not a few tears, but sobbing. According to what he's eating, he's right where he needs to be, so I'm thinking that since he now weighs almost 50 pounds that his protein intake needs to go up because his levels at the moment are too low. We'll see. Blood tests don't seem to bother Carter at all. Give him a bottle and he doesn't seem to care if I give him a heal stick...for now.

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